Can Everybody Surf

Many people that think surfing could be fun wonder Can Everybody Surf? The quick answer is that most people could surf but not everybody on the first time out. Most students are surfing on the first lesson, but many need more work to get in shape. Surfing is technical and physically demanding. People who are…

Getting Fit to Surf

Getting Fit to Surf if you are already not in good surf shape is good for all recreation and improved life style. Surfing is a full body sport and not many activities involve full body muscles and cardiovascular like surfing. Surfing needs upper body, core, and lower body strength. The amount of strength is a…

How Surfers Get Fit

How Surfers Get Fit is a good question for anyone who wants to progress in surfing. Surfing is a full body sport that is demanding physically. Progressing is physically challenging as bigger waves and longer sessions are desired. The ocean is powerful and anyone who paddles out realizes immediately that they are the smaller fish….

Surfers Get Lean

Surfers Get Lean because of physical exercise but also because they become more conscious of good health. Surfing is physically demanding and then it becomes spiritually rewarding. When a surfer feels a connection to the ocean, he also realizes his place in the oneness of everything. His body is Nature just as the Ocean is…

Overweight People Get Fit to Surf

Overweight People Get Fit to Surf with physical routines and nutrition. Getting fit and losing weight are gradual processes that require patience, discipline, and will power. Progress is encouraging and can make the process addicting. Fitness is a lifestyle. Eating healthy is a lifestyle. Surfing is a lifestyle. The three together can have a powerful…

Seniors Get Fit

Seniors Get Fit Enough to Surf is the real interest of many seniors looking to up their game or find something fun to do outdoors. Surfing is a great goal and requires the physical development that would serve most other recreational activities. Surfing is physically demanding so strength and stamina are important. It also requires…