Flexibility is an Issue for New Surfers
Flexibility is an issue for new surfers that they never imagine when they sign up for surf lessons. When I ask most new students if they are flexible they will immediately respond that they are not. I often ask them to touch their toes without bending their knees and they cannot.
When people desire to learn surfing, most people think it is as easy as they see in the movies and know millions surf so why wouldn’t they be able to surf. Everyone soon finds out that surfing requires strength, flexibility, and stamina.

How to Develop Flexibility for Surfing
Most people think about flexibility in alignment with stretching and yoga. Both help flexibility but might not be total answers for everyone. Gymnastics is almost better for flexibility because it is developing muscle and testing the most important areas.
When people get tight muscles from sedentary behavior, it is not just the hamstrings. The buttocks and lower back can also be tight. Many people that exercise and even dance are still not flexible when it comes time to surf.
The best exercises I have discovered are squats and deadlifts. They both exercise the legs, buttocks and lower back. They build muscle as well to provide the pop needed to get up on the surf board. Plyometrics, which advanced athletes and surfers incorporate for power also help develop the pop up for surfing.
The beginner pop up requires surfers paddle, then put their hands on the surfboard in a man’s push up position, then push and follow with putting the back foot under their butt flat on the surfboard to stand on it. This is the part that catches most people. They don’t have the flexibility to put their foot flat on the board under their butt. Try it in your living room.
Then when the foot is flat on the surfboard, the surfer stands on it as he raises his hands and moves his front foot to the nose of the surfboard. If you can’t stand on the rear leg and raise your hands, you can’t get your front foot to the nose because it cannot get past your arms that are still on the board. You wind up in a down dog position and then fly off the front of the surfboard.
Flexibility and core strength are important for developing lifestyle recreations and can be improved in the privacy of your home with squats and dead lifts even without weights.
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For Oceanside Surf Lessons, see the Home Page
See the Post Surf Lessons Begin with Foam Waves
See the Post What You Learn in a 2 Hour Lesson
See the Post How to Progress in Surfing
See My Dry Land and In Water Demo video
See How to Catch a Green/Real Wave video
i have lowered my book and course prices for the lock down.
My New Surfing Course in an E-Book plus Demo Video
Get the 18 Chapter, 7,500 word Course that can prepare you for a lesson or give you the fundamentals if you are going to try it on your own. 10 years of teaching 350 students a year has given me the insights on the most precise measures you must follow for success. This course is what I teach on the dry land and in water instruction. The Course includes a 15 minute video on my dry land and in water demonstration. Only $4.95
Buy the E-book for $2.99. Learn to Surf (Different cover but same book)
Buy the Paperback on Amazon $6.95
Get Learn to Surf Course in 29 minute audio. Great prep for a lesson, reviewing after a lesson, learning on your own, refreshing after not having surfed for a while. See Table of Contents. Only $7.95

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Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio

A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
Kindle price $2.99 on Amazon. Paperback price $6.95 on Amazon. Audio download price $7.95
Get my new book Get Fit to Surf

Its time to get back in shape. This book discusses strength, flexibility, stamina, and nutritional needs for getting in shape and losing weight. It is the great guide to get back to fitness for all your recreational desires. If you can surf, you can do most anything.
Buy on Kindle for $5.99 or Paperback on Amazon for $7.99
Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio

A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
Kindle price $2.99 on Amazon. Paperback price $6.95 on Amazon. Audio download price $7.95
Everybody Can Surf
To read a great book for getting in shape to surf or getting in better surfing shape, read my new book Everybody Can Surf, a Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Surfing Adventure

Get healthy and fit to surf or set a goal of surfing to improve weight, fitness, nutrition, and health. This guide by a surf instructor/health coach/personal trainer gives the short version of how to lose weight, get strong, build stamina, develop nutrition, and learn to surf. Surfing is a lifestyle enjoyed by millions and so is fitness. Fitness creates opportunities to enjoy life through lots of different kinds of recreation. No need to stand on the sidelines while others are having a great time. Start your program to health with easy steps and progress at your own pace. That is the secret to maintaining a lifestyle. Do it at your pace. This book will start you on the path.
Buy the E book on Amazon for $2.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $6.95
Seniors Get Fit to Surf
Seniors often ask if it is too late to learn to surf. Age is functional not chronological. If people have been exercising and maintaining body strength, surfing can be accomplished. If people have not been exercising, then getting in shape to surf could be a life changing move. Learn how to develop strength, flexibility, and stamina to learn surfing. If you are in surf shape, you could pursue most any recreation.
Buy the E-book on Amazon for $5.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $6.95