Kids Can Take a Series of Surf Lessons
Kids can take a series of surf lessons and benefit from many aspects. Kids learn to be comfortable in the ocean. They learn to focus and transfer what they are told to their body. They build strength and stamina they wouldn’t gain from other activities.
Students start off with a basic dry land lesson that teaches the techniques necessary in the water. Then in the water they are corrected from mistakes until they are practicing correctly. Each lesson advances what they have learned into more advanced practices.
What Are the Basics
Students learn how to safely handle their surf board. It is really the only think that can hurt them as beginners. Students learn how to properly mount the surf board to keep it straight and stable. Then they learn to catch waves. This proceeds to following a count to do a pop up into a standing position.
The idea for beginners is to catch waves and ride the surf board to the beach. This demonstrates they have popped into a stable posture that makes riding easy. It is necessary to advance to new techniques.
Then students learn to paddle out through waves and turn around to catch an incoming wave. This is lots of fun and what students enjoy most. Now they are at one with the ocean and have to use their judgment.
Advancing to Bigger Waves
Students often express a desire to ride bigger waves. They need to master their skills and build courage. Bigger foam waves move faster and have more weight. But the rides are faster and longer.
From bigger foam waves the student is ready to try catching small real waves. The real waves require better timing and more courage because mistakes cause crashes. There are several ways to catch real waves and the student learns the process.
After months of riding real waves on a soft top board with high volume, the student could venture into riding hard boards by stepping down in size a little at a time. A hard board will afford better performance and with it a student can learn more techniques.
Learn More
For Oceanside Surf Lessons, see the Home Page
See the Post Surf Lessons Begin with Foam Waves
See the Post What You Learn in a 2 Hour Lesson
See the Post How to Progress in Surfing
See My Dry Land and In Water Demo video
See How to Catch a Green/Real Wave video
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![Surf Instructions Beginner to Advanced: Learn to Ride Waves by [Kaplan, Mark]](
Buy my E-book on Amazon Kindle for $2.99. 80 pages of beginner to advanced instructions to help you before the first lesson to learning expert techniques and tricks.
I also have books on Creating Your Own Happiness on a site called Happiness and Work Life Balance