Why Do Women Love Surf Lessons?

Why Do Women Love Surf Lessons? It is a new world and women are free to do everything men enjoy. Girls start a fascination with surfing in their early teens. In posts I write and post on Face Book, the largest audience is girls 13 to 15 years old.

Boys also like surfing, but they are more inclined to go with their buddies or learn on their own. Surfing may be the most difficult sport to learn on ones own I have learned to ski and snow board and found it important to occasionally take lessons, but surfing is more difficult to get started.

Women Enjoy Coaching

Women like to be coached and respond well. In my surf lesson groups, I find that women usually listen best and and follow instructions best. Boys may be more naturally athletic and they also want to rely on their instincts more than have to follow directions.

I find that through the duration of a surf lesson, the women in the groups will stick close to the coach to gleen every bit of information necessary to perfect their effort. Boys want to be on their own as soon as possible. They would rather have difficulties on their own than be told how to succeed.

Women Learn New Things Well

What I find, is that after boys have struggled and see others in their group surfing, they will open up to suggestions and decide that they can’t progress without knowing and following the techniques.

Women Want to Be Free

Women love the independence of being able to visit and utilize the ocean to enjoy Mother Nature. It is great exercise. It is healthy. It builds self-esteem. It is a great conversation piece.It is a source of entertainment on any vacation. It would allow them to accompany any men they meet into the ocean.

Let’s go women!

Learn More

For Oceanside Surf Lessons, see the Home Page

See the Post Surf Lessons Begin with Foam Waves

See the Post What You Learn in a 2 Hour Lesson

See the Post How to Progress in Surfing

See My Dry Land and In Water Demo video

See How to Catch a Green/Real Wave video

My New Surfing Course in an E-Book plus Demo Video

Get the 18 page, 13 Chapter, 4,600 word Course that can prepare you for a lesson or give you the fundamentals if you are going to try it on your own. 10 years of teaching 350 students a year has given me the insights on the most precise measures you must follow for success. This course is what I teach on the dry land and in water instruction. The Course includes a 15 minute video on my dry land and in water demonstration. Only $4.95

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