The Point of the Surfing Pop Up is the Stance on the Board

The Point of the Surfing Pop Up is the Right Stance on the Surfboard. There are various methods of pop ups and I teach two.
The beginner and the advanced pop up begin with paddling to catch a foam or real wave and then placing the hands flat on the board next to the rib cage, not gripping the rails. Surfers will glide in this position to gather their poise, ensure they are in the wave, and then execute the balance of the pop up.
The point of the pop up is to arrive in the correct standing position on the surfboard. For beginners, they must be square to the front of the board. They are in a “push a tall box” position with hands in front and hips and shoulders square to the front. What they must avoid is the “snowboard” stance with one arm trailing.
Riding Straight to the Beach in the Right Stance
If the beginner is in the right stance, they will ride straight to the beach without any extra work necessary. If they fall off the butt side, they were in the incorrect stance and probably “snowboarding”. This is the problem with 95% of intermediate surfers who come back for a tune up lesson. Their bad pop-up leads to a bad stance.
In catching a real wave there are a few options. If the surfer is riding down the face, they want to be square to the front. Sometimes the surfer will point the board at the pocket before catching the wave. Then he will be in a snowboard stance as he holds the rail into the wave face.
Returning to Hand in Front in Maneuvers
As he performs maneuvers and each time he turns the board down the face, he will return to the hands in front stance. As he bottom turns again into the pocket, he will be riding with his face or butt facing the pocket and have a hand trailing.
Surfers often have the right pop up but twist their body as they pop up to arrive in the “snowboard” stance. This frequently shows up in the dry land portion of the lesson and I point it out to students. As the front foot comes to the board, the opposite hand must also come forward. The surfer does not want to let one arm fall behind.
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