Oceanside Surf Lessons for Comfort in the Ocean

Oceanside Surf Lessons lead to Comfort in the Ocean. This is a by product but a main goal because most new students are anxious. If with a great desire to surf like people in the movies, their is anxiety about the power of waves and a certain feeling of helplessness.
New students begin in waist deep water. This alleviates the fear of drowning or getting hit by big waves if they were to start with paddling out. Learning the skills in shallow water prepares for more advanced skills or just gets the student comfortable in easy situations.
Learning to Ride Foam Waves
Most students, even in learning to ride foam waves, say it is more difficult than they expected and more tiring than they expected. Surfing is a full body sport that is physically demanding. It also requires more learning than most newcomers expect.
Those who have normal body weight have better power to weight ratio meaning they can more easily lift their body off the board. With good coordination meaning the brain and body work well together, the process of standing up is easier.
The sequence of catching a wave and riding start with paddling in front of the foam wave. Then the student places his hands next to his rib cage and glides for a few seconds. Then he pushes up and brings one foot under his butt and places it flat on the board. Then he stands on this foot as he lifts his hands off the board to make room for the other foot to be placed in front.
Counting Out Loud to Overcome Instincts
This process sounds simple but is more difficult in the water if the student’s brain is anxious. I give students a count of paddle, stop and glide, push, back foot, stand up, front foot. If they can memorize this and say it out loud in the water through the process, they override their brain’s desire to follow instincts, which are all wrong.
When students master this process riding to the beach, they can paddle out through the wave to ride bigger foam waves. They become even more comfortable because now they are judging which waves to ride and which to let go. Now their fear mostly leaves and they are really enjoying the experience.
When it comes time to start riding real waves, the fear will return. Surfers never lose fear, they just learn how to manage it. All big wave surfers say if you are not afraid, you are if for a bruising.
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For any of the following lessons, call me at 760-696-7149. Surf lessons in oceanside, learning to surf with Private lessons, Oceanside surf school, kids Oceanside surf lessons, Families and adults surfboard lessons.
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Get my new book Get Fit to Surf

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A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
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Seniors Get Fit to Surf
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