Basic Carving Maneuvers on Short Boards

There are some Basic Carving Maneuvers on Short Boards that are where advanced surfers begin. These carves can be learned on soft tops before surfers buy their first hard board.
The surfer catches a real wave on the face and executes a bottom turn into the pocket. This carve, like all carves, begins with turning the eyes in the direction of the turn and then the head and upper torso. This creates a torque that flows down the body toward the feet. Pressure is applied on the toes or heels on the side of the carve.
How Surf Carving Differs from Other Sports
Surf carving is the opposite of creating torque for tennis, boxing, or baseball. In these sports, the torque begins with the feet and works up the body to the hands. In surfing, the final pressure is on the feet. The advantage of low volume thinner boards is the rail can be dug deeper into the wave for sharper carves.
Once the surfer has bottom turned into the pocket, he wants speed to get away from the falling lip and perform the first maneuver. He gains speed by moving the nose of the board up and down the face with his front foot. This is called accelerating.
Surfers Learn the Cut Back
The next maneuver the surfer performs is the cutback. This is reversing direction to get back to the power of the wave, a carve for style, and sometimes to stall for a barrel or wait for the power of the wave to catch up. It is carving down the face of the wave to return to the lip.
The surfer loves ripping the lip which is a bottom turn up the face and a cut back to get back down the face. The surfer often sprays the lip with the tail for extra style points. The next tricks of getting aerials or 360’s, begin with carving up the face and the sailing past the lip to perform a trick while the board is in the air.
Surfers work all their lives perfecting these maneuvers on different waves and learning when they can do what. Professionals do these basic tricks for contests and are graded on their proficiency.
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