4 Fundamentals Beginner Surfers Must Master

Learning to surf if far more technical than most beginners expect. One of the biggest hurdles for many beginners at any age is they can’t learn. They have to learn certain techniques and memorize certain steps so their body will perform them. Some cannot do it.
The surf experience consists of three main parts. The surfer catches the wave. The surfer pops up on the surfboard. The surfer rides the wave. Details are associated with each step. A surf experience is not complete with only learning part of the process. It requires each part.
Catching Foam Waves
Wave timing is fundamental. Most beginners have the instincts to pop up before the wave arrives to push the board or too soon. The first results in not riding the wave. The second results in pushing the nose under water called pearling.
To catch a foam wave, the surfer selects a good wave and rolls over 20′ before the wave arrives. He paddles easy then looks sideways to see when the wave is going to hit the board. Then he paddles hard for only 3 or 4 good strokes until he feels the board take off in the wave.
After the board has taken off, the surfer can put his hands on it. If he does it too soon, he will push the nose under water. After putting his hands in a man’s push up position, he executes his pop up. The issue most beginners have is they don’t assume the push up position and rest for two or three seconds. They put their hands in front of their shoulders in an already pushed up posture. This pushes the nose under water .
The Stance Has to Be Correct to Ride
The third main issue for beginners is their stance on the surfboard. Most want to ride like a snowboarder or skate boarder with one arm trailing and one forward. This places their butt over one rail and their weight on their heels. This results in falling off the butt side of the board.
The correct surfer stance is like pushing a tall box. Both hands in front on the box. One leg in front of the other. The main difference is the surfer’s body is upright with weight equal on both legs.
An important point in the process. When the front foot or both feet, in an advanced pop up, hit the board, both hands have to be in the air. Most beginners fear standing up. They hold onto the board until they put both feet on the board. This results in a crash. The hands have to be in the air when the front foot or both feet have landed on the board.
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Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio

A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
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