Is Surfing Like Other Board Sports

In lessons, my students often say they do another board sport and want to know if Surfing is Like Other Board Sports. I do a few like skateboarding and am an active snowboarder. Surfing is much different to be competent.
The two major differences are surfers start lying down on the board and the surfing stance is very different from other board stances. Popping up on the surf board from the prone position is a challenge that requires physicality other board sports do not require.
The Pop Up is the Major Barrier to Learning to Surf
Just the pop up and not considering the environment make surfing a sport in its own. In the beginning stages, the pop up may be the barrier that keeps many unfit types from ever surfing. Overweight people can skateboard, snowboard, and ski, but when I go to my local mountains, I do not see many overweight people.
The pop up requires upper body strength, core, and lower body strength. The power to weight ratio might be a better explanation in that it asks if you have the power to lift your weight off the board. The surfer laying on the board puts his hands in a man’s push up position and then pushes and places a foot flat under his butt to stand up. Flexibility is needed to get the foot flat and he must have the strength in his back leg to lift his body for a second on one leg.
The Stance for Surfing is Important and Different
The other major difference is the stance. The surfer is squared to the front to ride foam waves while the snowboarder and skateboarder have a sideways stance with one arm trailing. Beginning surfers seem to have an instinctive nature to ride on the board with an arm trailing, but that is a bad stance. The surfer should be like pushing a tall box with both hands in front and hips and shoulders squared to the front.
All board sports share balancing and feeling the board with their feet. Snowboarding is moving the body back and forth over the center line to carve and hold an edge in the hill. Surfing carves are made by turning the upper body in the direction of the turn and then using the toes or heels to execute the carve as the torque runs down the body.
Surfing is the opposite of tennis, boxing, or baseball where the movement begins at the bottom and then torques up the body to supply power to the arms and hands. Surfing torque starts at the top by moving the eyes in the direction of the carve and then everything else to deliver pressure to the feet.
When people come to surfing, it is good to forget the other sports but bring the athletic abilities and capability of learning to a fresh canvas. Learning to surf requires coodination and the ability for the brain to communicate with the body and the body to follow. People who are active have the easiest time learning to surf.
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For Surf Lessons in Oceanside, see the Home Page
To in surfing shape see my website Get Fit to Surf
For any of the following lessons, call me at 760-696-7149. Surf lessons in oceanside, learning to surf with Private lessons, Oceanside surf school, kids Oceanside surf lessons, Families and adults surfboard lessons.
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The Surfing Trilogy combines three books into one E-Book. Learn in one easy to read concise volume how to lose weight, get fit, and learn to surf.
It combines the books: The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and Learn to Surf Guide
Buy the E-Book on Amazon for $6.99

Want to get in great shape for surfing and an improved lifestyle? Start with the Free E-Book The 3 Week Plan. It is the perfect start for getting in great shape and losing weight.
Consider Coaching and the Surf Package the combines Surf Lessons and Fitness Coaching

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Get my new book Get Fit to Surf

Its time to get back in shape. This book discusses strength, flexibility, stamina, and nutritional needs for getting in shape and losing weight. It is the great guide to get back to fitness for all your recreational desires. If you can surf, you can do most anything.
Buy on Kindle for $2.99 or Paperback on Amazon for $6.95
Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio
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A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
Kindle price $2.99 on Amazon. Paperback price $6.95 on Amazon. Audio download price $7.95
Seniors Get Fit to Surf
Seniors often ask if it is too late to learn to surf. Age is functional not chronological. If people have been exercising and maintaining body strength, surfing can be accomplished. If people have not been exercising, then getting in shape to surf could be a life changing move. Learn how to develop strength, flexibility, and stamina to learn surfing. If you are in surf shape, you could pursue most any recreation.
Buy the E-book on Amazon for $2.99
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