Can Surfers Carve on Soft Top Boards

Many new surfers are “boarders” in that they come from other board sports. As beginners they often wonder if Surfers Can Carve on Soft Top Boards. Yes. They can learn in the foam waves.
Like in snowboarding, skiing, and skateboarding, boarders need to change directions by edging. The surfer does the same and they apply their weight differently than the other boards. The fatter the rails like on soft tops, the less they can dig the rail into the water.
Learn the Surfing Fundamentals First
The beginner first has to learn the fundamentals. They learn to catch foam waves, pop up and ride straight to the beach in the proper stance. The stance for beginners is like pushing a tall box. Hands in front with legs separated and knees flexed. Weight is equal on the front and back leg.
Once heading for the beach in the right stance the surfer can carve right if he is regular footed (left foot forward) by turning his eyes and upper torso toward to the right and then pressing a little with his toes. Carving likes speed so the movement has to be subtle riding foam waves.
Beginners Start on 8′ and 9′ Soft Tops
I start most beginner teens and adults on a 9′ long soft top. If they weigh less than 150 pounds, when they get the fundamentals they can downsize to an 8′ board. The 8′ board is very versatile and rides real waves well.
On real waves the surfer first carves off the face into the pocket with a bottom turn. The bottom turn is the turn described above so the surfer already knows how to do it. A cut back is reversing direction to get back to the power of a wave so the carve is down the face of the wave and reverses direction. The backside carve is turning to the left and placing pressure on the heels.
The soft board surfer learns to accelerate for speed just like the short boards. He pushes the nose of the board up and down the face with his front foot and then releases. Speed makes maneuvers and tricks easier.
Does the Surfer Need to Transition to Hard Boards?
The surfer can get through these stages easily with an 8′ soft top. The longer he stays on the soft top, the easier the conversion to hard boards and shorter hard boards will be. The surfer shouldn’t progress shorter at more than 6″ at a time while maintaining the width at 21+” and thickness at 2 3/4″.
The surfer who does not get into the water often may choose to stay with soft top boards because they are easier to paddle and paddling is the determinant for how long your surf sessions last. 8′ soft tops can ride 7′ high waves so many surfers may never out surf their board.
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To in surfing shape see my website Get Fit to Surf
For any of the following lessons, call me at 760-696-7149. Surf lessons in oceanside, learning to surf with Private lessons, Oceanside surf school, kids Oceanside surf lessons, Families and adults surfboard lessons.
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The Surfing Trilogy combines three books into one E-Book. Learn in one easy to read concise volume how to lose weight, get fit, and learn to surf.
It combines the books: The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and Learn to Surf Guide
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Seniors Get Fit to Surf
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