Overweight People Get Fit to Surf
Overweight People Get Fit to Surf with physical routines and nutrition. Getting fit and losing weight are gradual processes that require patience, discipline, and will power. Progress is encouraging and can make the process addicting.
Fitness is a lifestyle. Eating healthy is a lifestyle. Surfing is a lifestyle. The three together can have a powerful impact on your self-esteem, appearance, and happiness. All three are very positive and spiritual. They connect you to Nature and help you see all is one.

The Basics of Getting Fit to Surf for Overweight People
Surfing is a physically demanding full body sport. It requires strength, flexibility and stamina. Surfers talk about power to weight ratio which is the strength needed to lift your weight off the surfboard. Overweight people often have not been exercising. This is the first problem.
Muscles that are not utilized lose the ability to absorb glucose for energy. They lose stamina. The first thing overweight people notice when learning to surf is they tire quickly. Building muscle develops the receptors that pull glucose from carbohydrates out of the blood stream.
Developing strength from a sedentary lifestyle should progress slowly, but it can be daily. Exercises can begin with strength and flexibility creators like squats, deadlifts, lunges, planks and pushups without weights. Be sure to check with your doctor to be sure you can exercise.
Developing flexibility is crucial for surfing techniques. Stretching is important but exercises like squats and deadlifts (start without weights) can create leg strength and flexibility in the hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back. See YouTube for creating good form.
Stamina can begin with walking 10 minutes a day five days a week and build to a half hour and then an hour. Swimming, bike riding, treadmills, and hiking are all good for developing cardiovascular fitness. Someday they may progress to running.
Nutrition is crucial to lose weight and supply muscles with protein and carbohydrates. Muscle starts burning fat for fuel as you progress. It is important to eliminate empty calories like in foods with sugar, flour, and grease. Adding fruits and vegetables with low fat protein are all helpful. Start slowly by eliminating a bad food and adding a good food.
While progressing, you can start learning how to do pop ups in your living room to build surf specific muscles. See other posts for instructions on how to do pop ups or read my book, below.
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See Coaching for Weight Loss and Building Fitness. I suggest you read The 3 Week Plan. It is a no fail plan if you stick to it.

Learn More
The e-book Overweight People Can Surf is $5.99 on Amazon
Paperback at same link for $7.99