Seniors Get Fit
Seniors Get Fit Enough to Surf is the real interest of many seniors looking to up their game or find something fun to do outdoors. Surfing is a great goal and requires the physical development that would serve most other recreational activities.
Surfing is physically demanding so strength and stamina are important. It also requires flexibility. The strength required is both upper and lower body as well as core. This points to many exercises that can improve each. Improving each of these five or six requirements is a good exercise routine.

The Fundamentals of Seniors Getting Fit
Surfing is a test of functional age more than chronological. There are many kids these days that don’t meet the physical requirements to surf. This is a sign of what screens and lock downs have done to society. Surprisingly, moms who often claim raising three or four kids might have disabled them find that they are more fit than they believed.
Upper body strength requires some type of resistance exercises. The easiest are push ups. A set of cables to wrap around a post can make pulling and pushing easy at home. Weights can start building muscle tolerance to absorbing nutrients. Sedentary behavior creates muscles that don’t have receptors to glucose. Building these receptors with lots of reps with light weights builds strength and stamina.
Lower body strength is important for standing up on a surfboard. Squats and dead lifts are great for building strength, flexibility, and core. Start without weights and gradually move to lifting light weights. Climbing stairs, biking, hiking, and rowing are all good lower body and cardiovascular exercises.
Stamina is important for surfing. Seniors have often stopped their aerobic routines. Start with walking ten minutes a day and progress to a half hour and then an hour. If you can run, this can progress to 10ks. Cardiovascular fitness builds slowly and just needs consistency.
Nutrition supports physical improvement. Eating the right natural foods provides the nutrients for muscle effort and recovery. A good program of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and supplements can take the average person to great heights.
Learn More
The e-book Overweight People Can Surf is $5.99 on Amazon
This is a great fitness guide for beginners to exercise or those who want to improve their fitness.