Can Anyone Learn to Surf

Surfing is on many bucket lists but Can Anyone Learn to Surf? In surf lessons I have had every variety of size and conditioning attempt to learn surfing. Not everyone is successful.
There are parameters for who can learn to surf. Being overweight is not a road block but a severe difficulty. The problem with overweight is that exercising probably stopped along the road. The surfer needs a power to weight ratio which is the strength to lift the body off the board.
The Physical Necessities
Surfing requires strength, flexibility, stamina, and courage. I have only had a few people who did not have the courage to stand up on the surfboard even though we learn in waist deep water. The strength to push one’s body off the board affects women and children. There is a push up effort followed by standing on one leg for a brief moment which require some physical strength.
More common is the flexibility issue. The beginner pop up includes pushing up and putting a foot under the butt flat on the board. Without flexibility, the surfer can’t put the foot flat on the board under their butt so they can stand on it. If they can’t stand on the foot, they can’t releases their hands to the other foot can get to the front of the board.
The Ability to Learn Something New
Another issue is some people can’t get out of their head. We have instincts about how to stand up since we have been doing it since toddlers. The stand up on a surfboard is different. The student has to learn a new method of standing up, but many default to the method they know which is deeply encased in muscle memory. It is a function of being able to learn something new physically.
The time in the water is spent getting people past their muscle memory and instinct issues. Some people pop up on the first ride. Everyone else somewhere between soon and the end of the lesson. Most people with normal weight and some athletic ability are surfing soon.
The Process to Surf Shape
For those who need more work I suggest they start with losing weight, doing pushups, squats, and dead lifts. The last two exercises can be done without weights but they are the best for developing flexibility. Touching palms to the floor is a good measure of how tight the hamstrings are.
I suggest reading my books The 3 Week Plan or Get Fit to Surf. They were both intended for the person who learns they are not yet in surf shape and wants to get there. I think most everyone could get in surf shape and learn to surf.
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For Surf Lessons in Oceanside, see the Home Page
To in surfing shape see my website Get Fit to Surf
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Get my new book Get Fit to Surf

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Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio

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Seniors Get Fit to Surf
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Buy the E-book on Amazon for $2.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $6.95

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