How Much Physical Ability Necessary to Surf

Many people with surfing on their bucket list wonder How Much Physical Ability is Necessary to Surf. It is a good question. Surfing is a full body sport and needs muscles not regularly exercised. Surfing needs upper body strength, core strength, and lower body strength. It requires flexibility and stamina. It also requires courage. That…

How Beginner Surfers Learn Right Techniques

Many new surfers trying to learn on their own might wonder How Beginner Surfers Learn the Right Techniques. Surfing is more technical than anyone expects. It requires precision, focus, and a calm mind. Most beginners have several default techniques that they do automatically even after participating in a dry land lesson. For some reason these…

Beginner Surfers Learn Timing and Rhythm

Beginner Surfers Learn Timing and Rhythm or they have trouble progressing. Most beginners want to ignore instructions in the water because their racing minds won’t allow them to focus. The first obstacle for beginners to learn in lessons is learning to focus and not listen to the racing mind that wants short cuts. Beginner surfers…

Oceanside Surf Packages for Faster Progress

Oceanside Surf Packages Help for Faster Progress. The beginner surfer has to learn new techniques and it takes correct practice to make them solid muscle memory. Correct practice is the key. Most beginner surfers find they are learning something in which their instincts are not helpful. In fact, their instincts are wrong. I give surfers…

How to Surf

My students each year take lessons so they can learn How to Surf. It is a great quest and an adventure everyone enjoys even when they are not successful standing up on the surfboard. There is something magical about being pushed by waves on a surfboard. When students gather for the dry land lesson they…