How Well Can Soft Tops Ride Real Waves

Beginners often are inspired by the short board views in movies but they don’t know How Well Soft Tops Ride Real Waves. The soft top surfer begins in foam waves near the beach.
The techniques to ride a soft top as a beginner are the same that will be used for advanced surfing in real waves. The lessons begin on the beach learning how to do a pop up. Aspiring surfers should practice the pop ups in their living room every day to build surf specific muscles.
The surfer needs upper body strength, lower body and core strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness. He could get all this from surfing several times a week, but not everyone can do that. Each is needed to have the ability to paddle out and ride real waves. It takes lots of stamina.
The soft top surfer begins riding 2′ to 3′ real waves. These might be the reformed waves on a sand bar beach. At reefs, there may not be a choice. Whatever size the swell is, that is the size wave you are going to learn on.
Three Techniques for Catching Real Waves
The surfer can learn three techniques for catching real waves. First , he rides down the face. Secondly he learns to point the board after catching the wave towards the pocket and then popping up. This puts him in the pocket quicker .
Third, the surfer learns to catch waves at the corner. This is after the wave has broken at the apex and is rolling out toward extinction. The wave is slower and smaller at the corner. A good way to start with big waves on sand bar beaches. On reefs, the size is mostly the same as it breaks down the line. Besides, on a reef, someone is on the wave who caught it at the apex.
Soft tops are seen at my Oceanside spot riding up to 7 foot waves. Some have ridden much larger waves in Hawaii and other big breaks just to see if it could be done. Soft tops can also ride the pocket and perform maneuvers.
Advanced surfers can do 360’s and aerials on soft tops. Intermediate surfers can be content with driving the pocket and accelerating, doing bottom turns and cut-backs. For most surfers, this gets them off the face and into the pocket, a chance to ride up the face and rip the lip, and returning to the power to sustain the ride.
If a surfer is not riding often, the soft top offers the advantages of easy paddling so the sessions last longer. They make it easier to catch waves. They are more stable for the pop up. These all help, because if a surfer is not in the water often, he loses timing and balance.
Many surfers don’t feel the need to catch real waves. As people get older, they might not be able to take the punishment of getting crushed. They can ride foam waves and get plenty of exercise and still have fun.
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