People often ask What Surf Equipment Should You Buy First. Sometimes parents have bought kids short boards before they take their first lesson. I start everyone on soft top boards from 5’10” to 9′ on their first lessons. It is usually a months of regular surfing before someone is ready for a hard board and then a year before they are ready for a short board.
A regular surfer can move to shorter soft tops as they progress. Most teens and adults over 125 pounds start on a 9′ soft top. After they master the pop up, they can move to an 8′ soft top. This could last the inconsistent surfer all their life. In most northern countries above the equator, wetsuits are an item that can be worn all year around from the start.

Buying The Right Equipment and When
There are three main categories of wetsuits. I wear all three during the year because I am in the water all year. In the winter when temperatures can get to 56 degrees in Southern California, I wear a 4/3 wetsuit. This means the chest and back area are covered in a 4 millimeter thick neoprene and the limbs in 3 millimeter. When the water warms above 66 degrees, I am likely to wear a 3/2. This also depends on the air temperature and wind.
In the summer when it is hot and the water is above 70 degrees, I am wearing a spring suit which can be 2 millimeter and has short sleeves and legs. Everyone feels water differently. I usually dress warmer than the average. My surf buddies dress with much less than me. They are actively surfing and I am usually standing still teaching. When the water is cold, I also wear booties. I am in them everyday teaching and they last me a few years.
Wetsuits since the pandemic have increased in scarcity and price. Most full wetsuits are over $150. I buy from They have the best prices I have found and ship free. Because I know I need wetsuits all year, I usually wait to buy suits offseason to save more money. I will buy my winter suit in the spring. As the seasons move forward, the Wearhouse will discount the less demand suits.
Soft top surfboards have been in short supply and have gone from the old days (pre pandemic) when Costco sold them for $99 to at least $150 for an 8′ soft top surf board. They can be found at surf shops, Play it Again Sports, on Craigslist, and Offer UP. When college semesters end in San Diego, a lot of kids from out of the area are selling their boards online.
When to Buy a Hard Board
A surfer should use a 9′ soft top board when they are learning. If they are mastering riding the foam wave to the beach, they can start riding an 8′ soft top. The caveat is that they are under 180 pounds. If not, they might consider staying with the 9′ board. Once the surfer is consistently riding real waves in the pocket, then he should consider a hard board. There are surfers riding 8′ soft tops in 7′ high waves. The 8′ board has great capabilities.
The surfer should also think about what he likes best. Some want to ride the biggest waves they can. Others are comfortable in 3′ to 5′ waves. Some are into all the maneuvers and tricks. This will determine which board you might prefer. Of course, the active surfer might have several boards. This is called a quiver.
The next step down should be a 7’6″ (fun board) that is 21+ inches wide and 2 3/4 inches thick. Each time a surfer steps to a shorter board, they should not go more than 6 inches while maintaining the width and thickness. Surfers can also go to the long hard board of 9′ or greater. The riding styles are completely different and most have a preference. Surfers who are in the water frequently do both.
After a while, it becomes clear which board a surfer wants to ride next. Most go through lots of boards looking for Mr. Right. Surfers often regret having sold certain boards. It is important to work on skills and not think the surfboard is the answer.
For any of the following lessons, call me at 760-696-7149. Surf lessons in oceanside, learning to surf with Private lessons, Oceanside surf school, kids Oceanside surf lessons, Families and adults surfboard lessons.