Can Kids Learn to Surf is almost a daily inquiry during the summer. Kids have mixed results. There should be different expectations for different ages of adolescents. Another question would be is it a good experience for kids?
Surfing is very technical. Teens and adults say it is way more technical than expected. It is about timing and rhythm and following a sequence. Young kids have trouble learning the sequence and adults have trouble moving their bodies. Getting the sequence right is about coordination between the brain and body. Will the body do what the brain has heard.

The Basics of Learning to Surf and What Kids Can Learn
I have found that certain groups of people make excellent beginner students. People in gymnastics or teens that do multiple sports have a great physical learning capacity. Nothing lights up the brain like learning physically. When we are adolescents, learning to walk and talk are two of our most difficult life accomplishments and the brain never grows as rapidly as during those first few years.
Afterward, we stop learning as much and our brain stops growing at the same rate. I have found that most of my 10 and 11 year old boys and girls cannot grasp the technicalities of popping up in a sequence. Their brain will not take it in. They give up most of the time right away with the effort and go to their instincts which are mostly wrong. The same with many teens. Strangely, adults can stay with the technicalities but can’t get their bodies to move correctly.
As a class, moms make the best students. Women listen and absorb. I think in their social and mother roles, they are more attuned to listening deeply. Most of the time, their bodies are still flexible. Boys as a class don’t listen deeply. They seem to tune out as I explain the technicalities of a pop up sequence. In the water they want to rely on their instincts. Girls listen, but they often cannot string sequences together.
The sequence sounds simple. Roll over on the surfboard. I push new students into waves. Paddle and after catching the wave, put hands on the board in a man’s push up position. Then push up and put the rear foot (usually right foot) on the board flat and stand up while lifting the hands and torso and placing the front foot at the nose of the board. It can usually be done on land, but students often can’t remember the sequence in the water.
What everyone does get is a feeling for the ocean. Kids learn they won’t drown. They learn not to fear the waves close to the beach. They get a feeling for catching a wave and riding the board. Regardless of how they do, they usually have a blast. They don’t usually judge themselves. What would be required is lots of times in the water with the sequence being repeated.
When students really start to get it quick is at 14 years old. There is evidently a maturity of the brain and perhaps both schooling and athletics that is peaking at that age.
For any of the following lessons, call me at 760-696-7149. Surf lessons in oceanside, learning to surf with Private lessons, Oceanside surf school, kids Oceanside surf lessons, Families and adults surfboard lessons.